Intuitive Guidance & Transformational Coaching

I am a mom to an a rambunctious, funny, cuddly four year old. I LOVE being a mom, but also see and feel the struggle of being a mom, recognizing our small, everyday accomplishments, and still remaining ourselves. This is what led me to creating these types of sessions. I know that these days that we spend with our kids are so important, but I also know I have a hard time remembering that some times. I also know that when I do recognize it in the moment, I start to panic that I will forget what these little moments were like. From there Moments of Motherhood was born.

Beyond my love of photography, you will often find me rearranging furniture, cooking a vegan meal, connecting with my girlfriends, being silly with Milo, running to clear my head, riding bikes as a family, or just spending good quality time with loved ones.


Why is it that I am so drawn to making these sessions happen?

There are moments with my son where I suddenly find myself wishing so hard to be able to hold on to that exact moment forever. Where I can start to feel a sliver of myself as an older woman with a grown child, so badly wanting to be able to reach back in time and have that moment again, to look down and see my adult sized foot stepping on each step next to my three year old’s squishy little foot, holding his hand, step by step, walking up the stairs, counting together. Where I can feel the happiness from this seemingly small activity flowing from his hand to mine. 

As I write this, I feel like there may be nothing more important for me to do with my life than to help people preserve a little of this. It brings tears to my eyes. It makes my heart skip a beat and drop into my stomach a little with excitement. It feels necessary.

That’s what I want to do with you. I want to come into your home and capture you and your children in all your messy, loving, ordinary, but extraordinary glory. I want to preserve these moments so that you will forever have them to look back on, to maybe make it feel a little less someday like these moments are gone. And these memories are not only to be looked back upon when our children are grown and we are older. I want these photographs to be a reminder now, on the very days that these moments are happening. A reminder that you and your children are beautiful together just as you are, that what you are doing as their mother has so much worth. There is beauty in our everyday. The most beauty, the best kind of beauty. Give me a little of your time, let me into your day, show me a little of your soul, let it all hang loose a little, and I will show you your beauty as I see it, the best I know how.