Heather & Chris Wedding {post-ceremony}

Photographers usually only post one or two blog posts per weddings.  As most of you know, these Heather & Chris posts are of the wedding of one of my best friends.  There are so many posts because it is just too hard to choose only a few photos to show to all of our friends and family, and I like to make my own rules anyway!  For anyone who is missing seeing themselves in the pictures, I am working on posting a slideshow that will include many, many (probably too many) photos so that everyone can see everything.  For now, I'm just choosing some of my favorite shots. (but that doesn't mean if you don't see yourself you didn't look HOT, you did!)  So, keep on visiting, there will be more good stuff to come!

another great shot by Ryan




I so "heart" this photo!!! I know you've seen it before, but I gotta show it again!





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another great one by Ryan White!




totally a favorite!  totally...yeah, this one should be printed big.  Stunning!  Chris you are a lucky man!  
