Posts in personal

We are so fortunate to live in a neighborhood with quite a few children close to Milo's age. Including my sister and her family living across the street from us. This is Milo, Delilah, and my nephew Felix reading on the couch together as they often do.  These three kiddos love each other and interact like siblings, having secret little conversations, play together easily, hug each other, and share toys, but don't let me kid you, with that comfort comes all the hitting, shoving, and yelling too. Luckily all of us moms understand that they are just kids being kids. We have come to love Del and her awesome parents. Milo seems to already have what might be a "schoolboy love" for her. He asks for her when she's not around, calls the girls in his books Del, but then alternates between shoving her and hugging her when he sees her. I have often wondered if someday Felix and Milo will be fighting over her? For now, those two are kind of just in love with each other. Milo plays better with Felix than anyone else. He adores and looks up to his big cousin already. This is the calm after the storm after they all had cake at Milo's second birthday party. Right before this they were... I don't even know how to describe it, let's just say there were moments where I thought their heads were going to start spinning. It was hilarious and slightly frightening at the same time. Sugar is a powerful drug! I will have to share some of those photos with you soon too. They are pretty funny. IMG_3206-EditIMG_3208-EditIMG_3209-Edit

Recently (sorta, well, not really)

I've been stockpiling photos to share. I have some catching up to do on what I want to share from our lives lately. Here's a post that's been sitting in my drafts folder for awhile that I seem to have forgotten about. Thank God we don't have that snow right now! Seeing these makes me appreciate that it's 50 something degrees out, even though it's not the 85 it was a few days ago. I'll take it!

Milo loves reading his books and loves his FeFe.


Getting ready for bath.



This guy loves playing outside no matter the weather. Can't say his mama agrees with him, but we suck it up to make him happy. :)



A pic not of Milo, can you believe it? But still one of "my guys."  Daddy and the pups.



Heart this guy



Just because, this hair! I mean seriously.


With CeCe (Lucy)




Hmmm, what color should be next...??






The pictures I want to make || personal



It's 11:30 at night, my kid is going to be up who knows when, early, and I can't sleep. I can't sleep, I think because I can't stop thinking about this post. More accurately I should say, I can't stop thinking about the thoughts behind this post. The possibilities within my ideas. I started this post yesterday, but they are thoughts and feelings that have been brewing for me for quite some time.

**i began here yesterday** I've been feeling the itch yearning to be creative lately. Now that I am a mom and am spending most of my time doing just that, being mama, every so often I realize that I've been pushing my need to create down because I don't feel there is time for it. But I am sensing that this is an urge that may be necessary for my sanity and happiness. I'm sure it probably is. And I'm sure it probably comes on strong like this when I've let things go for too long and haven't taken the me time I should. I know that taking care of yourself is just as important for the care of your child as taking care of the actual child is, but I find it's a very hard thing to fit in the me time sometimes  most of the time. What I find happens for me when I'm feeling this want to create is that I am overwhelmed with all of the different projects that I want to take on that sometimes I don't know where to start. Do I start one of the many home projects I'm dying to have done, the kitchen backsplash, paint the claw foot tub? Even just rearranging furniture can sometimes appease me for a bit. I've recently started to teach myself to sew a little, do I work on a sewing project? Do I work on my photography? I sometimes become so overwhelmed trying to decide, I just clean the house instead. Bor-ing. And while it's nice to have a cleaner house, mission not accomplished. Today I chose to edit these photos from back in August. Uncle Tommy had just brought Milo this desk from the Royal Oak Farmers Market. It's crazy how much Milo has already grown since then. He wasn't even walking here yet. wow. He's growing so quickly, there are days he seems older overnight.  It was just a little something, but it

I also felt the need to write. I'm not a writer, not at all. However, I just felt like I wanted to (needed to?) get my thoughts out here. So here I am, writing, trying to process with words so much of which are feelings more than thoughts.

For a couple of years now I have been talking to Tim about how I want to take pictures of families just being families. I want to arrive at the house in the morning and capture all the amazing small things that make being a family so special and so ordinary at the same time. The half awake smiles from little ones, the brushing of teeth together, the making breakfast, the need for hugs and help because maybe morning time isn't everyone's best time, to be there as the day unfolds naturally and capture the moments. Whatever the moments may be, the real stuff, the stuff that, to me, feels cozy and like home, all the moments that are small so they may not be remembered specifically, but they make up what our memories feel like. That's what I want to capture, those are the pictures I want to make. Almost a family portrait version of street photography.

The idea of this, the imagining it, it gives me butterflies in my stomach. I am so in love with the idea, I get excited and nervous all at once.  It's an idea that keeps resurfacing for me. Lately it's causing me not to sleep. I didn't even know exactly what kept was at first causing my insomnia. What has come out of this "thinking out loud" on the internet though, is some clarity for me. While the need to be creative for me can be satisfied in many ways, it always comes back to my photography. Not only can it fill a need that I have from within to create these photographs, but I want to be able to share the gift of these moments captured. I have a couple of friends in mind and I just might be calling you, maybe unexpectedly to come over and try this out on your families.

recent days || just one

I had started a blog post with more than one shot from this day when Milo was out front riding one of his many bikes. Bike riding is a daily occurrence at our house. We all enjoy it and I have quite a few pictures that I love, but there's something about this one that I love just a little bit more. It's so him.

As he rides down the sidewalk, we stop along the way to pick flowers and collect sticks. It's an exercise in patience as a parent, but I want to give him the opportunity to explore and learn, so I wait next to him and ask him questions and encourage him. We do our best to never rush him, just let him do his thing. He's the one who's got it right anyway, enjoying all the small things. We are learning a lot from our little guy. He is truly the light of our lives. I can't imagine loving more than I love him. It's wonderful. So here's one that I wanted to have it's own post. I think I might have to print this one big....


Bath time

We are so fortunate to live across the street from my sister, brother in law, and my niece and nephew. The other day Felix and Milo took their first bath together. They were so cute and cracking themselves up. It's such a dream come true to see these two growing up together and loving each other so much. Here's a few of my favorites. 2014-06-19_00042014-06-19_00012014-06-19_00022014-06-19_0003